Install CAL ----------- 1.Run CAL installer script "" (default cal location is /usr/local/amdcal) 2. CAL needs If that is not present (eg, in Redhat Enterpise Linux 5.1), you will need to install lib compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61.i386.rpm Install Brook+ -------------- 1. run Brook installer script "" (default Brook location is /usr/local/amdbrook) Setup environment variables --------------------------- 1. Add the Brook+ library paths Eg, in a bash shell, export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/amdbrook/sdk/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 2. Add the Brook+ compiler path Eg, in a bash shell, export PATH=/usr/local/amdbrook/sdk/bin:$PATH Notes: So far we have tested on Suse Enterprise Server SP2 (no issues), and on Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.1/2 (need to install extra rpm's to get